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My favourite subject

Hello dears’ readers.
Tin this post I am writing about of my career favourite subject in my first year of pedagogy in preschool education. I think so much this, the trust is that I love it almost all my class, but in this second semester I think that I found the best class, that is “methodology of research” (matodología de la investigación). In this class we learn the first part to doing a research, like think about the specific and general objectives, define our object of research, etc.
The subject teacher is Mónica and Fabiola, they are two amazing persons, brilliant, smart and kind. One reason for that I like this subject is because the teacher’s doing the class very interesting and they are teaching very good.
I like so much the texts that we must reader to start of this semester because I learn so much about like doing to conceptual framework and like searching usable information, and all this serve us for that we can doing the final report. In my instance, my research is about transgender kids and the way that is approach in the preschool education in Chile, I think that this topic is very interesting because is very important for me that all of us respect the individuality of each children and his feeling.


  1. I admire people who do enthusiastically everything they do in their lives and you see that you are like that and I congratulate you on that. I agree with you that methodology of research is a subject that contributes a lot to research and to have new knowledge.

  2. Ohhhh you have reason, it is a very good class, and the teachers are amazing, good choice!


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