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Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2018

Evaluation of my experience in English class

Hello everyone, this is my las post of this year and today I am going to talk to you about my blogging experience and my opinion of the English class. I think that the using the blog is really a good skill for practice other language, because we can improve the writing and learn vocabulary. When doing the post, I consider that I learn much about the way of writing and like to express my ideas, and I like that in this class we can using this app because it makes learning more fun. In relation to the blog, yes there is something that I did not like and is that about to choose of topics. I consider that it would be good that in a future the topics could be choose between interested and they would do the post in time. About the English class, I feel that I don’t learn much and really, I don’t like nothing the way we were evaluated because I think that they didn't have a relation with the class contents. In the future, I would that the contents of this class and the topics in th

My favourite subject

Hello dears’ readers. Tin this post I am writing about of my career favourite subject in my first year of pedagogy in preschool education. I think so much this, the trust is that I love it almost all my class, but in this second semester I think that I found the best class, that is “methodology of research” (matodología de la investigación). In this class we learn the first part to doing a research, like think about the specific and general objectives, define our object of research, etc. The subject teacher is Mónica and Fabiola, they are two amazing persons, brilliant, smart and kind. One reason for that I like this subject is because the teacher’s doing the class very interesting and they are teaching very good. I like so much the texts that we must reader to start of this semester because I learn so much about like doing to conceptual framework and like searching usable information, and all this serve us for that we can doing the final report. In my instance, my research is

Rudolf Steiner

In this post I am going to write about Rudolf Lorenz, an Austrian educator and philosopher. Rudolf Joseph Lorenz Steiner was born on February 27, 1861 in Austria, and he died on March 30, 1925 at the age of 64 in Dornach, Switzerland. Steiner supported the independence of educational institutions with respect to the control exercised by the State (Nation), in search of creation of one education more autonomous and freer, based in the democracy, equality and fraternity. Steiner proposed a form of ethical individualism, to which he added a spiritual component. In 1907 Steiner wrote an essay entitle “La Educación a la luz de la Ciencia Espiritual”, where he described the main phases of the child and the fundamentals of a healthy approach to education. I admire to this man because was able of create a pedagogy where there is not hierchy and the childhood are appreciat and listening, Steiner ensure that the kids will be the protagonists of them learning. And I conclude this post quo

University life

I’m going to write about my first year in the university, because I consider this year has been beautiful and challenging. When I entered the university, I was very afraid, like lost me in Santiago and talk to my classmate because it never made it easy for me to relate to women. And, I was dreams, I wanted meet new people, to be happy, learn so much and get over my afraid. My first day finally was amazing, I feel that I was in the correctly place and the precise moment, this day I meet to wonderful person that still today give me them love, confidence and strength, and of course, across the year I meet more people that make happy my life, and for this I need say thank to all my friends. In the academic part, in a beginner I was afraid to fail but I was always completely certain about my choice of degree. When I choice the university I like all class the degree, and in effect, there is good class, but there is other class that it disappoints to me, like the health class, but in ge